Listed below is the payment information for paying your 2020 HOA dues.
Strawberry Point Bluffs Homeowners Association
- Payments should be mailed to: S.P.B.H.O.A, PO Box 612, Hamburg, Mi 48139
- Payments should be made out to: S.P.B.H.O.A.
- The amount due is $125
- Payment is due by March 31st, 2020
Strawberry Hill Estates Homeowners Association
- Residents may mail payment to: Strawberry Hill Estates, PO Box 833, Hamburg MI 48139 or present payment at the annual homeowners meeting
- Payment in check form for calendar year 2020 should be made out to: Strawberry Hill Estates
- The annual dues for the Strawberry Hill Estates Homeowners Association are $75.00
The intention of this post was simply to inform and remind HOA members of the relevant information to pay 2020 HOA dues. This web post is not replacing any mailers your respective HOAs will be sending out.
Does this replace a mailed statement?