When: Friday May 21 – Sunday May 23
9 am to 5 am
Will be posted on Livingston County Swap, Whitmore Lake Swap and Nextdoor Digest.
Any questions please contact Nancy Greko 810-772-0352
Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt!
Saturday April 3rd at 10:00am
There will be over 300 pre-stuffed Easter Eggs for the kids to “Hunt” for!
Don’t forget your basket to hold all your eggs!
We’re hoping for warm weather and sunshine, but please look at the weather so the kiddos are dressed appropriately!
Easter Bunny appearance at 10:30am
Strawberry Point Bluffs – 2021 Annual HOA Meeting
Strawberry Point Bluffs Homeowners
Association (SPBHOA) 2021 Annual Meeting
Dear SPBHA Member,
Please join us for our 2021 annual meeting being held Saturday April 24, 2021 at 12:00pm. In order to conduct official business 1/3 of the homeowners (26) must be present so please plan to attend if you can!
Place: Due to Coronavirus restrictions the Board of Directors has determined that the safest place to hold the annual meeting is outdoors at the HOA Park. If there is inclement weather on the scheduled date the meeting will be pushed back to Saturday May 1st, 2021 at 12:00pm.
- Roll call of the membership
- Minutes of the prior (2019) annual meeting
- Reports of the Officers
- Reports of the Committees
- Unfinished Business
- New Business
- Election of Directors (see attached information and absentee ballot)
- Adjournment
Please support our association by attending our annual meeting. In order to conduct official business 1/3 of the homeowners (26) must be present! If you would be willing to serve on the HOA Board of Directors please contact Jim Dwyer at jimmarydwyer90@charter.net.
We encourage you to visit our HOA website at least once per year for important information on current events, our by-laws, building and use restrictions, and current rules and procedures for our neighborhood park / lake access property.
Marge Andres Tod Dalrymple Jim Dwyer
John Greko Craig Haitz Frank Nelson
2021 Pontoon Slip Drawing
This years Pontoon Slip Drawing for 2021 will be held on Wednesday, March 31, 2021 at 7:00pm (sharp). The drawing will be held at the Strawberry Park and mask and social distancing are encouraged. A donation of $350 is required at time of slip assignment. The Pontoon Slip Drawing Rules can be read by clicking here.