The planned concrete repair of the boat ramp that was scheduled for July 22nd has been POSTPONED. The ramp will be open as usual the week of 7/22-7/29. When a new date is scheduled, a notice will be posted here on the website and on the sign at the entrance to the neighborhood.
Feedback Requested Re: Earlier Drawdown of Lake Levels
The Huron River Chain of Lakes Association [formerly known as Portage, Base & Whitewood Owners Association (PBWOA)] has been advised that there may be a question of an earlier drawdown of our lake levels via the John Flook Dam. Both Washtenaw and Livingston Counties feel the discussion should include affected residents/riparians.
Historically, and per court order, the drawdown has been done in mid-November. However, it has been proposed that an earlier date (as early as October 1st) be required.
Please let the HRCOLA know what you think about this possibility. Your response to this question is greatly appreciated. Please respond to before August 5th.
Boat Ramp Closure 7/22-7/29
New concrete for the boat ramp will be poured on July 22 (weather permitting). The ramp will be closed for one week (July 22-29) while the concrete cures. Please plan accordingly.
Volunteers Needed: Gravel Delivery at Park TOMORROW (6/28)
Short notice, but there will be two gravel trucks laying new gravel on the drive and turnaround at the park tomorrow, Friday, June 28th at 2pm. Anyone who is available and willing to help spread the gravel would be greatly appreciated! Please BYOR (bring your own rake), if possible!
Strawberry Lake Weed Control Program
The first weed control application in 2024 for Strawberry Lake will take place on
Monday, June 3rd. Aqua-Weed Control, Inc. will be posting notices on May 31st, 2024.
With the mild winter and less ice and snow covering the lake this past winter the weeds have had a faster start on their growth than last spring. As the Township website indicates, the Township hired Progressive AE Water Resources Group to manage the weed control program, and they are out on the water to survey the entire lake to monitor the lake condition and survey the lake before each application. Expect it to take up to about 2 weeks to see a significant change in the lake after the application/treatment date.
Hamburg Township posts information and updates on the “Aquatic Weed Control S.A.D.” that started in 2023 on the township website. The direct link to this information is:
You can easily sign up for updates using the “Sign up for notifications” link on the bottom of the home page on the township website.
There is also a new updated Hamburg Township Fertilizer Ordinance that became effective March 29, 2024. You can find a link to this new ordinance on the Aquatic Weed Control information page linked above.
Hamburg Township Aquatic Weed Control Program
As many of you know Hamburg Township established a Special Assessment District (SAD) to continue a weed control program for Strawberry, Zukey and Gallagher Lakes that was previously established and run by Washtenaw County. As of this year Washtenaw County is still running a weed control project for Portage, Base and Whitewood Lakes, and the Hamburg Township program for Strawberry, Zukey and Gallagher Lakes is active starting this year.
Information concerning this weed control project can be found on the Hamburg Township website at:
To locate this information
- Click on the RESIDENT tab found near the top of the home page
- Then click on Aquatic Weed Control SAD (left side of the page)
- You will then see “What to expect under this program”
- Treatment dates and location maps
- Related Link regarding water and weather
- Mechanical Harvesting link
- Lots of other related information
Screenshot below:
SPBHA Annual Meeting Rescheduled
Due to the inclement weather forecast, the SPBHA Annual Meeting has been reschduled to Saturday April 29th, 2023 at 12:00pm at the Park. Thank you.
2023 Pontoon Slip Drawing
The 2023 Pontoon Slip Drawing will be held on Thursday, March 23rd, 2023 at 7:00pm (sharp). Please arrive 15 minutes early for drawing registration. The drawing will be held at the Strawberry Park.
A donation of $350 is strongly recommended at the time of slip assignment. Checks can be written out to ‘Strawberry Lake Joint Parks Committee’.
The Pontoon Slip Drawing Rules can be read by following this link:
03/23/23 update:
2023 Slip assignments are as follows:
- Nelson, Frank & Cynthia
- Allen, Dave & Marge
- Garrity, Jason
- Musgrave, Trenton
- Gauthier, Larry & Irene
- Fett, Gary & Ruth
- Reese, Chuck & Rae
- Slothower, Josh
- Phillips, Gary & Marilyn
- Alex, Frank & Janice
- McManus, Bill & Lisa
- Flynn, David
Alternate #1 – Taylor, Don
Notice: Strawberry Point Bluffs HOA
Dear neighbors, Just a reminder that our annual meeting takes place in April every year. A written notification will be mailed out at least 30 days prior with the date and time. Our annual HOA dues need to be paid no later than March 31st to be eligible to vote at the annual meeting. A separate annual dues statement will be mailed out with the meeting notice. Dues can be paid early by making out a check for $125 made payable to SPBHOA and mailed to SPBHOA, PO Box 612, Hamburg MI 48139.
Three HOA Board positions will be up for election at the annual meeting, two non lakeside positions and one lakeside position. We could use some new blood! If interested please contact Jim Dwyer at or any of the other board members. Thanks for your consideration.
Notice: ‘No contact’ with Huron River advised after toxic chemical release
The state of Michigan is urging people to avoid contact with the Huron River downstream of Wixom after a chrome plating factory released a large quantity of hexavalent chromium into a sewer system that discharges to the river.
More information can be found at: