UPDATE: Thursday, June 17, 2010
Email exchange with Jody Tedesco at the County re: completion of the project
Now that the second lift in in place, I’m getting questions from residents about the completion of the work:
Q. Is the second lift “the end?”, or do they apply a sealcoat over the top?
A. The second lift of asphalt is the final course or as we call it the “wearing course”. The driveway crew will be in Monday to pave the driveways that were cut out.
Q. Does the work include adding topsoil and seeding along the road where they tore up my lawn?
A. Once the paving is complete, we will be placing topsoil, seed and mulch along the road edge to blend into the existing lawns.
Q. They knocked down my mailbox. Who fixes that?
A. Give me the address of the mailbox complaint and I will see that it is fixed.
Q. The road (Lisch ) has an uneven ridge down the middle because they laid asphalt over separate days. Do they fix that?
A. There should not be an uneven edge down the middle when the project is complete. There will be a visual line that will fade with time.
Q. The road is now much higher than my driveway and water will pool there (or ice in winter). Do they fix that?
A. We were very careful to pitch driveways so they will drain where they always drained. If you have a specific problem, give me an address as soon as possible and I will take a look at it and fix it on Monday when the driveway crew is in.
Q. Can I start using my sprinklers again?
A. Yep! Let it pour.
Q. Who should I contact with complaints about this, that, or the other thing?
A. That would be me. (Jody Tedesco)
posted 6/17/2010: Larry Gauthier
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Apparently the contractor was concerned about the wet pavement this morning and getting too late of a start to complete the paving. Therefore, they are rescheduled for tomorrow morning (Thursday), weather permitting.
The garbage trucks may or may not be able to get through tomorrow.
Jodie Tedesco, P.E.
County Highway Engineer
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Looks like they will try to finish the paving tomorrow, weather permitting. Garbage pickup may be a problem. The garbage trucks will be able to go on what was paved today, but may not be able to get through on the roads they are paving tomorrow. The crews will do the best they can but some garbage may not get pick up this week.
News from Monday, June 14, 2010
We are going to try paving again tomorrow. We will be turning the garbage trucks away if they conflicts with the paving. Hopefully that will not be much of an issue.
Take Care
Jodie Tedesco, P.E.
County Highway Engineer
News from 6/11/2010:
The concrete drives are up to strength and the barricades will be pulled today so residents can access their drives.
The paver could be in as early as Monday to place the final lift of asphalt.
Have a nice weekend.
Jodie Tedesco, P.E.
County Highway Engineer
News from 6/10/10:
Hi guys,
The pavers should get the grade covered today. They will be back next week sometime to place the final lift of asphalt. As soon as I have a definitive schedule I will let you know.
I will be out of town until Monday. If you have any serious concerns please contact Mike Craine the Managing Director at our office.
Jodie Tedesco, P.E.
County Highway Engineer
News as of 6/7/10:
Concrete Drives will be poured tonight. We will remove caution tape and barrels blocking off the drives once the concrete has achieved enough strength to drive on, usually about 3 days.
The grading will continue and hopefully you will see more asphalt on Thursday or Friday.
Jodie Tedesco, P.E.
County Highway Engineer
New as of 6/04/10:
The pulverize will begin tomorrow (Saturday 6/5) to pulverize the remaining streets.(Lisch and Indianola – ed)
The contractor will also be pulling the concrete driveway slabs that have been sawed in order to match the new elevation of the road. The new concrete will be poured Monday or Tuesday. Please let the homeowners know that they will have to park their cars out of the driveway for a few days until we achieve the proper strength for driving on.
This schedule is all weather permitting of course.
Jodie Tedesco, P.E.
County Highway Engineer
NEW as of 5/25/10:
The Contractor will be a little scarce until after the Memorial Day Weekend. Per the Contract, they are required to place asphalt within 48 hours of crushing and shaping. They would not have been able to accomplish this had they crushed the remaining streets this week, and we did not want them to leave an unpaved grade over the weekend.
The pulverizers next opening is a week from this Saturday, which will be June 5th (sooner if they have a cancellation on another job).
The Contractor is still on schedule to complete the work within 45 days, per the progress schedule.
Original information from Tom of the Livingston County Road Commission:
As you must have noticed, the paving project has begun in the neighborhood and will proceed according to the following tentative schedule:
Phase 1: PULVERIZING – Early the week of May 17th, Indianola, Strawberry Hill, and Lisch Roads will be crushed-in-place and turned into gravel. This gravel will be used as the roadbed beneath the asphalt surface. Traffic will be able to drive on the pulverized material, but be careful because it will be rough until they get it graded and compacted.
The pulverizer will begin Tuesday (5/19) around 7 a.m. to grind up the pavement on the un-curbed portion of Gallagher, all of Strawberry Hill Ln and Lisch Dr east of Indianola.
Phase II: MILLING – Later in the week of May 17th, the surface of Gallagher will be scraped between the curbs to remove the depth necessary to allow a replacement surface of asphalt to be installed. They will start at the west end of Gallagher and work toward the east.
The mill is scheduled for Thursday (5/21) to remove the pavement between the curbs on Gallagher
Phase III: BASE PAVING – During the week of the 23th the surface layer will be installed on all roads.
Just a reminder that it is critical that all sprinklers that may reach the roadway should remain off until the second lift of asphalt is placed.
There may be some short traffic delays due to equipment in the road. Please give yourselves a little extra time and follow the direction of the traffic control personnel.
December 15, 2009
At its December 15th Board Meetings, the Hamburg Township Board voted unanimously to approve the 3rd resolution related to our Special Assessment District and set the date of February 16th for our Public Hearing.
December 1, 2009
At today’s Hamburg Township Board meeting, the Board unanimously approved a resolution to proceed with developing project plans and cost estimates. That information will be shared with residents at our next Public Hearing, which is scheduled for February 16th, 2010 at 6:00pm at the township hall.
November 30, 2009
Our neighborhooad Road Improvement Project is on the December 1st, 2009 2:30pm Township Board meeting agenda, with a vote scheduled on a Resolution to Proceed with the Project and Directing Preparation of Plans and Cost Estimates.
click here: Hamburg Board Agenda
Residents are encouraged to attend the meeting and express their opinions regarding the project.
October 22, 2009:
Road Update: The Hamburg Township Board met on Tuesday October 20th, and the creation of the Special Assessment District for our road improvement was an agenda item. Several aspects of the project are being clarified for board members and verified with the County over the next week. We expect an informational meeting to be scheduled shortly, with homeowners being notified by mail. We will provide updates here at the website as the situation evolves.
Contact: Mary McLaughlin at 810-299-2222 or George Rogers at 810-231-6378
May 15, 2009
Neighborhood SAD (Special Assessment District) Petition
The collection of signatures approving the establishment of a SAD for re-surfacing neighborhood roads has passed the 50% mark required by Hamburg Township. However, the organizers continue circulating the petition with hope of collecting support from at least 70% of the residents. If you are interested in signing, please contact Mary McClaughlin from SHEHA or George Rogers from SPBHA.
Thanks for your patience, we will be out of your way soon.
Jodie Tedesco, P.E.
County Highway Engineer