2021 Neighborhood “PIG OUT” Pig Roast
Saturday, August 14 (rain or shine)
Pulled Pork w/wo bun
Baked beans
Corn on the cob
Hot dogs for kids if preferred
Meal Service 4-6
Tickets $10 Adult (10+)
$5 Child
Ticket Sales begin Monday, July 5-24
For those who would like, please bring a dessert to pass
Table service provided
BYO beverages
For tickets contact Nancy Greko njgreko@gmail.com or
Irene Gauthier irenegauthier@charter.net
3 thoughts on “2021 Neighborhood “PIG OUT” Pig Roast”
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The meal will begin to be served at 4 ending at 6 or later.
I believe food is at 4pm
What time is the Pig Roast?