Pontoon Slip Drawing Results – 2011

The 12 available boat slips were awarded to the following residents:

  1. Mite
  2. Howard
  3. Philips
  4. Gauthier
  5. Anderson
  6. Flynn (2nd alternate, originally awarded to McLaughlin)
  7. Patton
  8. White
  9. Alex
  10. Smith (1st alternate, originally awarded to Allen)
  11. Walmroth
  12. Landis

Alternates for any vacated skips are:

  1. Smith
  2. Flynn
  3. Brockman

To: All eligible homeowners in the Strawberry Hill Estates and Strawberry Point Bluffs subdivisions
From: Joint Access Committee for Strawberry Point Bluffs and Strawberry Hill Estates Homeowners Associations
Date: January 19, 2011
Subject: 2011 pontoon slip lottery

The 2011 drawing for the twelve pontoon slips at the joint access park will be held on Monday, February 7th 2011 at 7:00pm in Room A at the Hamburg Public Library on Merrill Road.

This lottery is conducted pursuant to the rules adopted by the Joint Access Committee, in conjunction with the Boards of Directors of the Strawberry Hills Estates and the Strawberry Point Bluffs Homeowners Associations. Although you need not be present to win, the first choice of boat slips will be chosen by those present (or their proxies) in the order of the draw. The remaining slips will be assigned by Access Committee members to those lottery winners who are not present. If you have questions regarding eligibility and other requirements, review the rules on this web site or contact a member of your Board of Directors.

The Lottery Rules have changed for 2011. Please review the new rules prior to the drawing. You can find the modified rules here:
