The Strawberry Hill Estates and Strawberry Point Bluffs Homeowners Associations have decided to increase security and safety at Strawberry Park by changing the outdated key/lock system at the entrance gate to a key fob/lock system starting this Spring (April/May 2025).
The new system will operate exactly like the old key/lock system only instead of a key, you will have a key fob. Each household or lot owner will be issued ONE numbered key fob to be used for entrance to the park. Once this change occurs, your existing keys will not be needed and can be discarded. Please do not lose your key fob or a $25 charge will be assessed for a new key fob, and your old key fob will be deactivated from the system and will no longer work.
Key fobs will be distributed at this year’s HOA meetings, so please plan to attend. Instructions on how to use the new key fob will be demonstrated at these meetings, be distributed with your new key fob, and will also be posted on the website. If you have any questions, please contact one of your Board Members.