New Key Fobs Coming Soon for Park Access

The Strawberry Hill Estates and Strawberry Point Bluffs Homeowners Associations have decided to increase security and safety at Strawberry Park by changing the outdated key/lock system at the entrance gate to a key fob/lock system starting this Spring (April/May 2025).

The new system will operate exactly like the old key/lock system only instead of a key, you will have a key fob. Each household or lot owner will be issued ONE numbered key fob to be used for entrance to the park. Once this change occurs, your existing keys will not be needed and can be discarded. Please do not lose your key fob or a $25 charge will be assessed for a new key fob, and your old key fob will be deactivated from the system and will no longer work.

Key fobs will be distributed at this year’s HOA meetings, so please plan to attend. Instructions on how to use the new key fob will be demonstrated at these meetings, be distributed with your new key fob, and will also be posted on the website. If you have any questions, please contact one of your Board Members.

2025 Pontoon Slip Drawing

The 2025 Pontoon Slip Drawing will be held on Thursday, March 27, 2025 at 7:00pm (sharp) at Strawberry Park. Please arrive 15 minutes early for drawing registration and form compliance.

The rules have been updated for 2025 and require a form be filled out and signed by the boat owner. The form must be brought to the pontoon drawing (see rules/form here).

A donation of $500 is required and must be paid prior to the drawing (see rules here). Any person not awarded a slip will have their payment returned immediately following the drawing. Checks can be written out to “SLJPC”.

The pontoon slip drawing rules can be viewed here.

Boat Storage Reminder (Strawberry Point Bluffs HOA)

Dear neighbors and members of the Strawberry Point Bluffs HOA:

As a friendly reminder, the Strawberry Point Bluffs Homeowners Association bylaws state, “Boats, trailers and other recreational vehicles are not to be stored closer to the road than the closest point of the residence.” Our bylaws were designed to preserve property values and protect the aesthetic beauty of the community. We respectfully request that you adhere to these bylaws.

Thank you,

The Strawberry Point Bluffs Homeowners Association Board

Boat Ramp Repairs & Closure

Construction to replace the boat ramp concrete has been rescheduled. Construction will begin sometime during the week of November 11th, dependent on the weather, and will remain closed for the following 8 days until the concrete is cured enough to drive on.

Please make note of the closing and inform any company that has been contacted for boat removal from the lake. If you have any questions, please contact a board member in your homeowners’ association.

Feedback Requested Re: Earlier Drawdown of Lake Levels

The Huron River Chain of Lakes Association [formerly known as Portage, Base & Whitewood Owners Association (PBWOA)] has been advised that there may be a question of an earlier drawdown of our lake levels via the John Flook Dam. Both Washtenaw and Livingston Counties feel the discussion should include affected residents/riparians.  

Historically, and per court order, the drawdown has been done in mid-November. However, it has been proposed that an earlier date (as early as October 1st) be required.

Please let the HRCOLA know what you think about this possibility. Your response to this question is greatly appreciated. Please respond to before August 5th.

Strawberry Lake Weed Control Program

The first weed control application in 2024 for Strawberry Lake will take place on
Monday, June 3rd. Aqua-Weed Control, Inc. will be posting notices on May 31st, 2024.

With the mild winter and less ice and snow covering the lake this past winter the weeds have had a faster start on their growth than last spring. As the Township website indicates, the Township hired Progressive AE Water Resources Group to manage the weed control program, and they are out on the water to survey the entire lake to monitor the lake condition and survey the lake before each application. Expect it to take up to about 2 weeks to see a significant change in the lake after the application/treatment date.

Hamburg Township posts information and updates on the “Aquatic Weed Control S.A.D.” that started in 2023 on the township website. The direct link to this information is:
You can easily sign up for updates using the “Sign up for notifications” link on the bottom of the home page on the township website.

There is also a new updated Hamburg Township Fertilizer Ordinance that became effective March 29, 2024. You can find a link to this new ordinance on the Aquatic Weed Control information page linked above.