Bluffs Annual Homeowners Meeting – 2014





PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Annual Meeting of the Association will be held on Monday, April 28, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. at the Hamburg Senior Community Center. There are no new business items to discuss.  Please see the Agenda below for more information.

Please keep in mind that it takes a minimum of 25 households to establish a quorum.  Your attendance is needed, and will give you an excellent opportunity to meet with your neighbors and to voice any concerns or suggestions you may have.  Please mark the date for the meeting on your calendar. We look forward to seeing you there.

NOTE:  The Board is in need of new members.  The current Board has many members that have held these responsibilities for several years now and it is time for other members of the Association to step up and take responsibility.  The order of replacement based on longevity is as follows:  Tricia Erskine, George Rogers, Don Houston, Leonard Dorazio, Tracy Uguccioni, Christopher Brehm.

Your Annual Dues Statement is enclosed.  Please remit your dues promptly.  The current dues are $50. At this time the Board does not see any need for a special assessment. The Access Committee has requested that the dues be increased by $50.00 to support improvements to Strawberry Park.  If you feel inclined to help with this please make a voluntary contribution and the proceeds will be given to the Access Committee and we will recognize your generosity.



Call to order
a. Roll call of members present
Report of the Secretary
Report of the Treasure
Report of the President
Old Business

a. Funding improvements at Strawberry Park
b. Deeded rights to the park
c. Need for new Board members
New Business
Any business that may come before the Board


Election of New Board Members:

The Board currently consists of six members.  Three members must be lakeside property owners and three must be non-lakeside property owners.  We have six current and potential members and will need to vote.  We will take nominations from the floor.


Name Position Side Term Expires
George Rogers President Non-Lakeside 2013
Don Houston Vice President Non- Lakeside 2014
Tracy Uguccioni Treasurer Lakeside 2014
Leonard Dorazio  Secretary Lakeside 2014
Tricia Erskine Trustee Non-Lakeside 2013
Christopher Brehm Trustee Lakeside 2014


Standing Elections:

We welcome the nomination of any community member that would like to join the Board for the 2014-2016 term.