Subject: 2018 Annual Homeowners Association Meetings
Date: Thursday, April 26, 2018
Time: 7:30 pm
Location: Hamburg Township Senior Center
Agenda: TBD
Both Homeowners Associations (HOAs) will hold their annual meeting in the same location at the same time this year as done in years past. The HOAs will be sharing one room and using a room divider at the Hamburg Senior Center so we can have separate meetings. Afterwards, if necessary, members from both HOAs can discuss topics pertinent to both neighborhoods, such as the park and other common items.
Please plan to either pay your annual dues of $75 prior to or at the annual meeting. Your attendance at the annual meeting is encouraged since one-third of the Members in “Good Standing” is required for a “voting quorum” to make decisions. If we do not get a quorum”, we must reschedule the annual meeting which wastes time and additional money for repeat room rental. Additionally, it takes longer to conduct business this way. Thank you for your support.