Strawberry Lake – Aquatic Pesticide Treatment Notice, July 2017


This notice is to inform you that the Washtenaw County Board of Public Works (Chain of Lakes Lake Improvement Project) has contracted with Aquatic Services, Inc. for aquatic management services. We are planning to treat various area waters with herbicides and/or algaecides for the control of aquatic nuisance plants and/or algae.

Please be aware that only pesticides that have been approved by the Environmental Protection Agency, Michigan Department of Agriculture and the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) are being used. These pesticides are being applied in dosages approved by the MDEQ and as applied are not harmful to fish, wildlife or pets. A permit from the MDEQ will have been secured prior to any pesticide applications.

Please watch the shoreline for the posting of YELLOW signs, which will indicate the day of treatment, exact pesticides used and any water use restrictions depending on the pesticides used. In the event of an additional pesticide application, a second sign will be posted outlining new water use restrictions.
Pesticides are applied as either liquid or granular formulations. Liquids are surface sprayed or sub-surface injected depending on treatment strategies and/or weather conditions. Granular formulations are applied with broadcast spreaders.

♦ = Anticipated pesticide use for 2017.

♦ Copper Products No swimming or bathing for 1 day.
♦ Endothall No swimming or bathing for 1 day. No household uses, irrigation, animal watering or similar uses for 14 days.
2, 4-D No swimming or bathing for 1 day. No household uses, irrigation, animal watering or similar uses for 3 weeks.
Fluridone No swimming or bathing for 1 day. Do not use this water for irrigating lawns, gardens, plants, row crops or tree crops for 30 days.
♦ Dibromide No swimming or bathing for 1 day. No household uses, irrigation animal watering or similar uses for 5 days. No turf grass watering for 3 days.
Glyphosate No swimming or bathing for 1 day.
♦ Adjuvant No restrictions.
♦ Triclopyr No swimming or bathing for 1 day. No irrigation for 3 weeks.
♦ Clipper No swimming or bathing for 1 day. No irrigation, animal watering, turf grass watering for 5 days.

Initial approximate treatment date will be early/mid-July.

If you have any questions regarding the pesticide treatment you can contact Aquatic Services, Inc. at 810-636-3303 or Washtenaw County Board of Public Works (Chain of Lakes) contact persons Doug Pullman (Aquest Corp.), 810-237-8893 or Jeff Krcmarik (Washtenaw County), 734-222-6865 or Jonathan Pelukas, 734-222-3827.


Notice of all pesticide applications shall be posted prior to each application. Notices shall be posted along the shoreline with 8 1/2 x 11 inch YELLOW posters. They shall indicate the day of treatment, permit number, contact information, exact pesticides used and the water use restrictions (swimming, irrigation and fishing) depending on the pesticides used. In the event of additional pesticide applications, additional notices shall be posted outlining new water use restrictions.
Some postings may be done in advance. How many days in advance will vary between lakes. There is an ADVANCED POSTING box on the poster that will be checked in the event of an advanced posting. If the box is not checked, the application will be made on the same day as the posting. Posters will be attached to trees, posts, decks, docks and other vertical objects along the immediate shoreline. However, riparian property owners who choose not to have the posters affixed to their personal property may have alternative postings. Within 30 feet of the immediate shoreline, you may supply your own bright YELLOW painted supporting device (stake) at least 30 inches tall and the posters will be stapled to that device. Go to the SCHEDULES page to find out when the pesticide applications are to be made.
Note: The 2018 application season will be done using Aquatic Services only. Since this year was a transition year, various options had to be explored including harvesting and the use of existing service providers using previously established contracts.