Update: The Slip Assignments for 2022 are as follows:
- Slothower, Josh
- Greko, John & Nancy
- Phillips, Gary & Marilyn
- Gauthier, Larry & Irene
- Nelson, Frank & Cynthia
- Fett, Gary & Ruth
- Allen, Dave & Marge
- Taylor, Don
- Alex, Frank & Janice
- Garrity, Jason
- McManus, Bill & Lisa
- Flynn, David
- ALT 1: Ouillette, Joe
- ALT 2: Musgrave, Trenton
The 2022 Pontoon Slip Drawing will be held on Thursday, March 31, 2022 at 7:00pm (sharp). Please arrive 15 minutes early for drawing registration. The drawing will be held at the Strawberry Park and mask and social distancing are encouraged. A donation of $350 is strongly recommended at the time of slip assignment. The Pontoon Slip Drawing Rules can be read by following this link: https://strawberryhillestates.org/download/park_and_access_committee/pontoon_slip_drawing/PONTOON-SLIP-DRAWING-2021.V2.pdf
If anyone has a dock section you would to sell, please contact me.
Gary Fett
Please post the slip numbers and assignments. Thank you.