2025 Pontoon Slip Drawing

The 2025 Pontoon Slip Drawing will be held on Thursday, March 27, 2025 at 7:00pm (sharp) at Strawberry Park. Please arrive 15 minutes early for drawing registration and form compliance.

The rules have been updated for 2025 and require a form be filled out and signed by the boat owner. The form must be brought to the pontoon drawing (see rules/form here).

A donation of $500 is required and must be paid prior to the drawing (see rules here). Any person not awarded a slip will have their payment returned immediately following the drawing. Checks can be written out to “SLJPC”.

The pontoon slip drawing rules can be viewed here.

2024 Pontoon Slip Drawing

2024 Pontoon Slip Drawing

The 2024 Pontoon Slip Drawing will be held on Thursday, March 21 st , 2024, at 7:00pm (sharp).
Please arrive 15 minutes early for drawing registration. The drawing will be held at the
Strawberry Park.

A donation of $500 is strongly recommended at the time of slip assignment. Checks can be written out to “Strawberry Lake Joint Parks Committee”.

The slip donations had to be raised due to the increasing cost of park maintenance and
continuing growth of park improvements.

The Pontoon Slip drawing Rules can be read by following this link:


2023 Pontoon Slip Drawing

The 2023 Pontoon Slip Drawing will be held on Thursday, March 23rd, 2023 at 7:00pm (sharp). Please arrive 15 minutes early for drawing registration. The drawing will be held at the Strawberry Park.

A donation of $350 is strongly recommended at the time of slip assignment. Checks can be written out to ‘Strawberry Lake Joint Parks Committee’.

The Pontoon Slip Drawing Rules can be read by following this link: https://strawberryhillestates.org/download/park_and_access_committee/pontoon_slip_drawing/PONTOON-SLIP-DRAWING-2021.V2.pdf

03/23/23 update:

2023 Slip assignments are as follows:

  1. Nelson, Frank & Cynthia
  2. Allen, Dave & Marge
  3. Garrity, Jason
  4. Musgrave, Trenton
  5. Gauthier, Larry & Irene
  6. Fett, Gary & Ruth
  7. Reese, Chuck & Rae
  8. Slothower, Josh
  9. Phillips, Gary & Marilyn
  10. Alex, Frank & Janice
  11. McManus, Bill & Lisa
  12. Flynn, David

Alternate #1 – Taylor, Don

2022 Pontoon Slip Drawing

Update: The Slip Assignments for 2022 are as follows:

  1. Slothower, Josh
  2. Greko, John & Nancy
  3. Phillips, Gary & Marilyn
  4. Gauthier, Larry & Irene
  5. Nelson, Frank & Cynthia
  6. Fett, Gary & Ruth
  7. Allen, Dave & Marge
  8. Taylor, Don
  9. Alex, Frank & Janice
  10. Garrity, Jason
  11. McManus, Bill & Lisa
  12. Flynn, David
  13. ALT 1: Ouillette, Joe
  14. ALT 2: Musgrave, Trenton

The 2022 Pontoon Slip Drawing will be held on Thursday, March 31, 2022 at 7:00pm (sharp). Please arrive 15 minutes early for drawing registration. The drawing will be held at the Strawberry Park and mask and social distancing are encouraged. A donation of $350 is strongly recommended at the time of slip assignment. The Pontoon Slip Drawing Rules can be read by following this link: https://strawberryhillestates.org/download/park_and_access_committee/pontoon_slip_drawing/PONTOON-SLIP-DRAWING-2021.V2.pdf

2020 Fall Park Cleanup – October 17th

Updated 10/15/20: Cleanup will begin at 11am on Saturday October 17th. Any volunteers who can come down and help are very much appreciated! We hope to see you there!

It’s that time of year again when the weather has changed and we all begin to pull our boats off the lake for winter storage. The JAC will be removing the swim raft and buoys as well as the boat launch dock on October 17th. Picnic tables will be stacked and the portable toilet is scheduled to be picked up for the year as well.

Please remove all items from the kayak/canoe rack as winter storage of personal property is not permitted at the park. All pontoon slips must remove their mooring poles and access docks from the park as those are personal property and not to be stored at the park.

Thank you for another great summer at our park access!

Pontoon Slip Drawing Registration

UPDATE: 4/28/2020
The Pontoon Drawing has been scheduled for Tuesday, May 12th @ 7pm via zoom meeting. Please register with Nancy so you will be added to the invite list to the meeting.

The JAC will be conducting the 2020 Pontoon Drawing via a virtual ZOOM meeting.  The date will be determined later.  If you intend on participating you must pre-register with the JAC ASAP.  Registrations will be accepted up to 24 hours before the drawing. Please email your JAC Vice President Nancy Greko (njgreko@gmail.com) as to your intent to participate or call at 810-772-0352.